About MultiLevel MultiModel DivePlans

A MultiLevel DivePlan enables you to combine models that do not have identical dimension and summary relationships, such as combining sales and inventory models. In this example, the dimensions in one model are a subset of the dimensions in the other model. In this type of DivePlan, DiveMaster merges dimension values from listed models that have common dimensions.

In a Multilevel DivePlan, all of the aggregated models must have:

  • At least one dimension in common

  • Info Fields that maintain a 1:1 relationship with their core dimensions

Unlike a Consolidated DivePlan, this type of DivePlan does not merge summaries. Instead, when different models have a summary in common, DiveMaster chooses the summary values from the first common summary based on the model order in the DivePlan. For this reason, it is not good practice to build a MultiLevel DivePlan with models that share common summaries.

The models in a MultiLevel DivePlan cannot share summaries unless you use aliasing. Because of this restriction, MultiLevel DivePlans are most often used for creating reports in the ProDiver client. By combining summaries in the same Dive Window, a MultiLevel DivePlan facilitates report creation by enabling users to dive on common dimensions. To force or prevent the consolidation of dimension values, use alias fields in a MultiLevel DivePlan.