Hardware and OS Requirements

In order to see the benefits of the new Spectre build and query engine, the following minimum hardware is required:

  • Processors—3.0 GHz or better
  • Memory—Enough for all cBases, queries, Tomcat, OS (Minimum: 64 GB)
  • CPU Cores—At least 8, scaled with concurrent users
  • Local SSDs—Solid State Storage Devices for storing cBases whenever possible

A detailed Hardware and Deployment Guide is available from DI Technical Support.

The Diver Solution and Diver Platform run on both Windows and Linux operating systems. Customers should always select the operating system they are the most comfortable supporting. Linux deals better with exceptionally large numbers of files, but you can design around this. Windows is more ubiquitous in the marketplace and offers more graphical administration tools. For smooth functioning of DI software, use one of the following suggested OS configurations:

  • 64-bit Windows or Linux
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or later (recommended)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (minimum version required)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE (latest version recommended)

    NOTE: The Mono component is required to run Diver Solution and Diver Platform on Linux systems.

  • .NET Framework 4.0 or later
  • 64-bit Tomcat and JVM
  • Tomcat 7.0.67 (minimum version required)
  • Tomcat 7.0 (latest version is recommended)

    NOTE: Diver Platform 7.0 is compatible with Tomcat 9.0.

  • Java 9 (minimum version required for use of DIAL in 7.0.
  • OpenJDK 11 (latest version is recommended)

    NOTE: Diver Platform 7.0 is compatible with Java 11 and later, and OpenJDK.

  • 64-bit ODBC drivers (including Office for Excel ODBC)—if unavailable, work-around using Integrator 5.1

TIP: If execution issues arise once the required hardware and software requirements are met, consult the Anti Virus Exclusion List found in the Platform Installation Guide.

See also Spectre Memory Usage.