VI Split Output Object

The Visual Integrator (VI) Split output object splits data into a set of files determined by the contents of the data. A data column in the input flow directs the output. For each unique value of the data column, an output file is created containing the corresponding data.

Icon for the VI Split output object

The Split object divides a data flow into separate output files for different sets of data. For example, you can divide sales information into separate sales team files.

The Split object can also write out a dictionary suitable for input into Visual Builder or back into VI. In addition, the Split object can write out a report file that lists the created files and the number of records written to each file. There is no limit to the number of files that the Split object can create; however, on Windows platform the open file limit is 2040.

The Split output object has Closedthree panes where you set attributes.

Example of all panes for a VI Split output object