Embedded Trace Object

To make debugging Integrator scripts easier, Trace objects can be embedded as sub-objects of other Integrator objects to trace data flows entering or leaving those objects. This allows a trace to be added to an Integrator script without having to change the data flow. This is accomplished by employing the trace_after and trace_before attributes. Each is a sub-object, meaning they have no type or name. The trace sub-object is represented by an open brace ({), a comma separated list of attributes (from the Trace process object list), followed by a close brace (}).

Any input object or process object can have a trace_after sub-object attribute. This sub-object is a Trace object that traces the data flow leaving the given object. It is equivalent to adding a Trace process object immediately following the given object.

Any output object or process object that takes a single input flow can have a trace_before sub-object attribute. This sub-object is a Trace object that traces the data flow entering the given object. It is equivalent to adding a Trace process object immediately preceding the given object. The trace_before sub-object cannot be used for Concat, Join, or Lookup process objects, since they take multiple input flows.

See also: Trace Process Object.