Additional Build Script Column Attributes

There are additional column attributes that you can set for a Build script in a text editor tab that are not available within the GUI Build Editor.

NOTE: You can have the Build script open in both a GUI Build editor tab and a text editor tab at the same time. Whatever changes that you make in one tab are reflected in the other.

To insert additional column attributes in a text editor tab:

  1. Right-click the file in Workbench Explorer and choose Open withText Editor.
  2. Place the cursor after the last attribute of the column that you want to edit and add a space.
  3. Press Ctrl+Space to bring up the available functions, select the function, and press Enter.
  4. Type the attribute values.

The table below shows a few examples of additional column attributes that you can set only in a text editor tab.

Tag Purpose
disable-similar-values-warning=<true/false> Turns off data warnings of similar values for this column. Use only after data validation steps have determined that the warnings are in fact not worrisome.
limit-similar-values-warnings <integer> Limits the 'similar-value' check for the entire input. The default is 20 warnings per column; 100 is the max.

Promotes or demotes columns:

  • Set to true to promote a numeric column type to become a diveable dimension so it appears in the ProDiver console.

  • Set to false to demote a string or date column from status as a dimension so it does not appear in the ProDiver console.

NOTE: Do not use quotes with Boolean attribute values.

TIP: Use of suggested-dimension=true paired with summary-type="info" creates a diveable dimension that does not automatically sum.

required-dimension="<col name>"

Sets columns to behave like classic Info Fields.

In ProDiver, this field is available as a column that you can add to other columns displayed in a dive.

Additional build operations such as adding lookups, filters and sorts also require hand edits to the Spectre build script.

See also: