Testing Nodes

You can test individual nodes or a sequence of nodes in a Production script. You can do this as you build the script, or later when problems arise and debugging is required.

There are multiple context menu items available from nodes when you right-click them in the task flow pane. For test purposes:

  • Test Only This Node
  • Test Up to This Node

When you use any of these commands, nodes that are ignored display with green hashes.

NOTE: Conditional nodes are not ignored when running tests. Ensure that any conditions that need to be met are met when testing. Otherwise, not all nodes may be tested.

Control Nodes and some nodes that have dependencies on earlier nodes appear green because they are required for the testing. The standard test mode mechanism is to apply Control Nodes and Parameter Nodes normally, and to skip non-parameter Process Nodes. If the tested node appears in a branch, then only that branch runs. If the tested node appears in a loop, then all iterations of the loop run.

NOTE: If testing part of a Loop node, you can control which iterations of the loop run by using different run configurations.

In the following example, the Test Only This Node command is run from the Make Directory node. Only the Make Directory node runs. The Delete node and the two Integrator nodes are skipped.

This Only This Node

In this next example, the Test Up to This Node command is run from the Make Directory node.

The Delete and Make Directory nodes run, and the two Integrator nodes are skipped.

Test Up to This Node

See Script Configurations for more on testing whole scripts.