Custom Output Filters
Custom filters on the output for Build Model, Build cBase,
Note that the use of custom output filters does not affect the output for a node or suppress warnings. Instead, the custom filter affects the outcome state of a node (Success, Warning, Error), which in turn changes the color of the node. As always, these have a natural hierarchy; 99 Successes are trumped by 1 Warning, which is trumped by an Error.
If you decide to create a custom output filter for a node, run the node first so you have a log file to examine. Then, configure the filters. The basic idea is:
"If the output row (Contains/Starts With) <x> then treat this row as (Failed/Succeeded/Warning)."
See the Edit Custom Output Filters dialog available from the Custom Success State Rules attribute in the Build Model, Build cBase, and
These filters can, for example, promote data integrity warnings to errors as well as demote suspiciously similar warnings to nothing.
See also:
- Text, cBase, and Dive Input Build Tags and the limit-similar-values-warnings and disable-similar-values-warnings tags in Spectre Build scripts.
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