Requirements for Measure Factory Flag Tables

Measure Factory flag tables procure supplementary data from a text file. Flag tables provide Boolean values—yes or no.

Flag tables must have the following columns:

  • __mf_key
  • __mf_start_date
  • __mf_end_date

The __mf_key column is the only key. The start and end date columns allow you to change the mapping of the key over time. All other columns supply the flag rules, and the cells must be either blank or Y.

Flag table text files are tab delimited with column headers. Flag tables must be stored in the config directory and have the following filename format: flag_table_<name>.txt.

The flag_table_ is required and the <name> is used to reference the flag table file in the flag-table block.

The flag-table section is placed directly within the appropriate data-set block.

For example, a flag table file named flag_table_Revenue Code Flags.txt gets referenced as shown in the code sample below.

  data-set "Charges" {
      cbase-input "/data/charges.cbase"
      flag-table "Revenue Code Flags" {
        date rule="Posting Date"
        key rule="Revenue Code"
        flag-rule "Newborn Bed Charge"

See also: