Creating a Dive Page

You can create a new dive page or alter an existing page, and then place the page within its own module, menu-area, or data-area.

To define a dive page:

  1. In your DiveTab project in Workbench, open the main.divetab.
  2. Click the green plus sign, and select New Area > Data Area.

    The New icon has a menu to create a new Data Area.

  3. Under Button Properties > Area , enter a Title and an Icon.

    The Button Properties for the Untitled Area.

  4. Note the Area ID value, and then click Click here to edit Area.

    The new data area with a Title and an Icon path.

    The script opens.

  5. Locate the Area ID block in the script.

    NOTE: You might need to reposition the title and icon tags above the sections tag.

  6. Enter the information needed to define the dive-page in the sections block.

    A dive page requires cplan, title, and dimension tags.

    Here is an Closedexample of a dive page.

      dive-page { 
        title "Dive Page Sample" 
        cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" 
        dimension "Corporate Chain"
        dimcount-dimension "Corporate Product Group" 
        dimcount-dimension "Corporate Product Sub Group" 
        quickview-dimension "Resp Team" 
        text column = "Cases"
        text column = "Net Sales" { 
          value-format "$#,###.00" 


    • If available dimensions or available columns are included, they appear as options in the Edit QuickViews dialog box.

    • QuickViews can be included using the quickview-dimension or quickview-set attributes.

    • A QuickView set can use a different cPlan.

    If a dimension is defined as both a dimension and a dimcount-dimension, the dimcount-definition is ignored.

  7. Save and Sync your work frequently, and verify the page on the DiveTab client.

Here is the Closedresult of the code in DiveTab.

Example of a Dive Page.

Each additional dimension becomes a Dive Dimension and an option for switching with the primary dimension.