Table Code Samples

The following code defines an overview page that contains two tabs that contain tables.

  overview-page { 
    title "Overview" 
    cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" 
    tab "Table 1" { 
      screen { 
        layout { 
          vsplit { 
            spacer percent = 2
            hsplit percent = 96 { 
              spacer percent = 2
              table percent = 96 { 
                dimension "Product Name" 
                text column = "Cost" 
                first 15 
                sort-column "Cost" 
              spacer percent = 2
            spacer percent = 2
    tab "Table 2" { 
      screen { 
        layout { 
          vsplit { 
            spacer percent = 2 
            hsplit percent = 96 { 
              spacer percent = 2 
              element id = "tb-product" percent = 96 
              spacer percent = 2 
            spacer percent = 2 
    elements { 
      table id = "tb-product" { 
        dimension "Product Name" 
        text column = "Cost" { 
          high-color "0d31e5" 
          low-color "6B8E23" 
          threshold-value column = "Cost" 
          low-threshold 400000 
          high-threshold 700000 
        text column = "Cases" { 
          background-color "87ceeb" 
          text-color "ffffff" 
          high-color "0d31e5" 
          low-color "6b8e23" 
          threshold-value column = "Cases" 
          low-threshold 3000 
          high-threshold 4000 
        sort-column "Cases" reverse = true 
        first 20 

Here is the Closedresult of the code in DiveTab, with the first tab, Table 1, showing.

Example of a basic Overview table.

NOTE: The table is contained within the tab block so it does not require an id tag.

Here is the Closedresult of the code in DiveTab, with the second tab, Table 2, showing.

Example of a customized Overview table.

NOTE: The table is contained within an elements block and therefore requires an id tag.