Column Set Parameter Code Block

A Column Set declares a required parameter by using the take-parameter tag in the definitions block. The script makes the value available by using the pass-parameter tag within the data-area block.

The take-parameter tag identifies which parts of the column-set are variables, and the pass-parameter tag identifies the variable value.

Here is the code block for a column-set using a parameter.

  definitions { 
    column-set id = <string> { 
      take-parameter <string> 
      <text column> { 
        expand <string> { 
          <text column> 
          <text column> 
  data-area id = <string> { 
    title <string> 
    icon <string> 
    sections { 
      <page-type> { 
        column-set id = <string> { 
          pass-parameter <string> 

See also: