Alert Tags

Alert columns are used in report or ad hoc pages, or within a table block for a central or overview page. An alert column is defined by using an alert tag with optional tags between an open { and close } bracket.






alert "Alert" {

alert-style "triangle"

value column = "Cost"

low-threshold -10

high-threshold 10

middle-color "transparent"

width 30


Required Defines the block for this alert column instance. If you do not include a title after the tag, the heading is left blank.

alert-style "triangle"

alert-style "arrow"

alert-style "square"


There are several shapes you can choose from in terms of the symbols used for alerts.

The default shape is "circle".

background-color background-color "800000" Optional Sets the background color for the column. Uses a hexadecimal code to identify colors.
high-color high-color "008000" Optional

Identifies the color for values greater than the high-threshold value.

Without specifying the color, the default is green. Uses a hexadecimal code to identify colors.


high-threshold 20

high-threshold column = "Cost"

Required Identifies the high value. The value can be either a number or a summary column.

justification "left"

justification "right"

justification "center"


Determines whether the alert symbols are aligned to the left, right, or center.

The justification is “center” by default.

low-color low-color "800000" Optional

Identifies the color for values less than the low-threshold value.

Without specifying the color, the default is red. Uses a hexadecimal code to identify colors.


low-threshold 0

low-threshold column = "Cost"


Identifies the low value. The value can be either a number or a summary column.

If this tag is not included, the low threshold is "0".


middle-color "0000ff"

middle-color "transparent"


Identifies the color for values less than the high-threshold value but greater than the low-threshold value. The default color is yellow.

Uses a hexadecimal code or the transparent tag to identify colors.

value column

alert {

value column "Cost"


Required Identifies which summary column the alert applies to.