About DiveTab Projects
A DiveTab project is a self-contained, portable set of related folders within a single folder that contains the information needed to define a DiveTab application and it's custom access control settings.
A DiveTab project consists of the top-level folder with customizable sub-folders. Each folder contains specific types of files. When using Workbench to develop a DiveTab application, you can select to automatically create the following default folder structure when you create a new project:
The top-level folder does not contain individual files, only sub-folders. In the preceding screenshot, the top-level folder is new_project. This is the name that you specify when you create the project.
Within this structure are:
- A cbases folder to store cBases created by the project.
- A config folder to store static or manually maintainable files that are used as data, such as Measure Factory configuration scripts.
- A cplans folder to store cPlans.
- A data folder to store raw data and source files.
- A diveplans folder to store DivePlans.
A diver folder to store ProDiver files, such as Markers and DiveBooks.
- A diveport folder to store DivePort files, such as markers. DivePort files must be placed within the diver folder to ensure that they open correctly.
A divetab folder to store files and scripts for the DiveTab application. In previous releases, used to store DiveTab scripts.
- A documents folder to store document files, such as pdf and movie files, that are used in DiveTab.
- An images folder to store images that are used in DiveTab.
- A presentations folder to store pdf files that are used as presentations in DiveTab.
- A scripts folder to store DiveTab scripts.
- A docs folder to store any documentation that is developed for the project.
- A logs folder to collect production logs.
- A models folder to store models that are created by the project.
- A programs folder to store various scripts that are used in the project, such as Spectre Build, Integrator, Production, DIAL, and Tunnel scripts.
- A staging folder to temporarily store files that need to wait for other actions before they are moved to another folder.
- A temp folder to store temporary files that are generated during project processing.
The project structure can also be created from scratch or customized to best suit your needs.
Here is an example of a customized project structure.
Notice how some folders are shaded blue. These folders are aliased folders, or folders that are shared from a different project on the same DiveLine server.
See also: