Marker Functions in DIAL

The marker functions in DIAL open DiveLine Markers, modify selections for their contents, and save them.


  • If a Marker is saved with QuickView values selected, re-opening the Marker displays the data with the QuickViews set to the selected values, rather than “All Values”.
  • When run from a project, the marker.save_report, save_text, and save_window commands point to a temporary folder in the DiveLine dataroot (that is, dl-dataroot/temp).
  • If when using the marker.print command, you specify a printer name that DIAL does not know, the error text includes a list of valid printers that are defined on the system.


Marker Examples

The following examples demonstrate Marker function usage.

NOTE: The marker.save_window points to a temp folder in the DiveLine dataroot (that is, dl-dataroot/temp).