Group Functions in DIAL

The group functions in DIAL define temporary focus groups for the current Models. The following functions are available.

NOTE: The groups referred to in this function are not Named Groups, but should be considered temporary Diver focus groups.

Group Functions Example

This script opens a Marker and creates a group of a few Dimension values. It saves a new Marker containing these Dimension values. The console then writes group members for verification testing only. The walk statement would be commented out during production. The console.writeln function ensures that there are no parsing errors.



diveline.set_project("myProject");, "region.mrk");, model, "Sales Region");

group.add(group, "North");

group.add(group, "Rhode Island");

group.add(group, "Boston");


marker.set_group(model, "Sales Region", group);, "region_north.mrk");

walk (model,"Sales Region")


region = Dimension[Sales Region];




console.writeln("Report Done!");
