Selecting Graph Options
You can set advanced graph formatting options with the graph creation wizard. You can also edit the graph formatting options after a graph is created.
NOTE: Available options vary, depending on the selected graph type. Options listed in this section might not be available or can differ from what you see on your screen.
To open the Graph Options dialog box, do one of the following:
- Using the graph creation wizard, on the Step 2 - Set Data Attributes dialog box, click Graph Options.
- When a graph is displayed on the active window, on the ProDiver toolbar, click the Graph icon .
The Set Data Attributes dialog box opens.
Click Graph Options.
- Double-click the background of a graph window.
- Double-click an object in an unlocked graph.
- To apply a graph template, click Browse next to the Apply Graph Template box, and select the gtpl file that you want to apply.
- To use a ProDiver skin, select the Use Skin check box, and then select a skin from the list. This option overrides the default graphic preference setting in File > Preferences.
Select Show Graph Toolbar if you want the graph tools to display on the graph window.
NOTE: If the graph is copied or printed, the toolbar does not appear on the copied or printed version.
- Click the box next to Background Color or Graph Area Color to open the Color dialog box, which you can use to select a color for the window background or graph area background. Example.
- Click the arrow next to Data Color to view a color pull-down list, which you can use to select a color for the data points on a scatter plot graph. (Available for scatter plot graphs only.)
- Select Show Left Border, Show Top Border, Show Right Border, and Show Bottom Border to include the corresponding borders on the graph display.
- Select Show Shadows on Legend Box if you want to include a shadow effect on the legend box. (Applies when the Show Legend option is selected on the Graph Options, Legend tab.)
- Select Show Shadows on Graph Border if you want to include a shadow effect on the graph border. (Applies when all Show Border options are selected above.
- Select Use Ambient Shading on Data Objects if you want the data objects in the graph to appear with light-to-dark or dark-to-light gradual shading.
- Select Show Diagonal (Ratio), and enter a number in the adjacent box if you want a scatter point graph to include a diagonal reference line to show which data points fall on either side of the line. The number that you enter (n) indicates a ratio n:1. The default value of 1 produces a 45° diagonal line. The data points in the following example show that the Revenue amounts are above the Cost amounts. (Applies to a scatter point graph only.)
In this second example, the ratio is set at 1.2:1. It shows that less than half of the data points meet the criteria of Revenue being at least 20% higher than Cost.
- Select Show X-Intercept, if you want the graph to include a vertical reference line to show which data points fall to the left or right of criteria that you specify. Enter an x-axis value in the adjacent box (in this example 150m). (Applies to a scatter point graph only.)
- Select Show Y-Intercept, if you want the graph to include a horizontal reference line to show which data points fall above or below criteria that you specify. Enter a y-axis value in the adjacent box (in this example .75k). (Applies to a scatter point graph only.)
- Select Use individual colors for each data point if you want each point in a scatter plot graph to be a different color, up to a maximum of 16 colors. If there are more than 16 points, the colors repeat. (Applies to a scatter point graph only.)
- Select Number of Wedges Shown if you want a pie plot graph to display fewer than the default 16 wedges. The pie plot displays the number of wedges that you specify (10 in this example) and combines the remaining values in another wedge called Other. (Applies to a pie plot graph only.)
Select Link Colors to Discrete Data Values if you want dimension values to be colored the same, regardless of where they appear in the graph. Clear this check box to ensure that colors do not repeat. (Applies to pie plot and some scatter plot graphs only.)
NOTE: By default, ProDiver assigns pie plot colors to dimension values in the order that the values are listed in the cBase or model. If there are more than 16 values, the colors repeat, even though the pie plot shows only the first 15 discrete values. These color assignments do not change if the data is sorted. Sorting data can cause duplicate colors on the pie chart if the Link Colors to Discrete Data Values check box is selected.
- Select Title Bar Color if you want to change the color of calendar headings from the gray default. (Applies to calendar plot graphs only.)
- Select a First Day of Week if you want to set a day other than Sunday as the first day of the week. (Applies to calendar plot graphs only.)
- Current Skin: Shows the skin that is currently assigned, if one is selected on the Appearance tab.
- Graph Font: Shows the font to be used for the graph body text. To change the font, click Select.
- Graph Font Color: Shows the font color to be used on the graph. To change the font color, click the color box.
- Select Show Main Title if you want the graph to include a title.
- Enter a Title if you want to change the graph title from the default (dimension name of the current dive).
- Font: Shows the font to be used for the graph title. To change the font, click Select.
Horizontal Align and Vertical Align: Determine where on the graph the title appears.
NOTE: If data labels overlap and are difficult to read, resting the pointer on a label brings the label to the foreground making it clearly legible.
- Under Additional Labels:
Select Show Auxiliary Subtitle if you want the graph to display a subtitle that defines an added column. (Applies to the specified data column when Attach Additional Column Values (N-String) is selected.)
Select Show Parent(s) as Subtitle if you want the parent dive information to display as a subtitle under the graph title.
Click Select if you want to change the subtitle font.
Select Show Data Column Label Title if you want the graph to display the data column title.
Click Select if you want to change the title font.
Select Show Numeric Values on Data Objects if you want the graph to display numeric labels on each element.
Click Select if you want to change the label font.
In the Placement box, select an orientation for the numeric display.
In the Decimal Places box, select the number of decimal places that you want to appear on the data object labels.
- Under Drag-and-Drop Labels (Applies to labels that are added to a graph using the graph toolbar):
- Click Select if you want to change the label font.
- Select Show Drag-and-Drop Label Borders if you want borders to display on the items that were added.
- Select Show Data Column Labels if you want each dimension value label to display.
In the Placement box, select an orientation for the labels.
NOTE: Selecting Double Row places the labels in two rows, alternating every other value top-to-bottom. Stack plot graphs support vertical orientation only.
- Click Select if you want to change the label font.
- Select Intersperse Data Labels as space permits if you want the data labels to appear only when enough space is available.
- Select Substitute Info Field Values if you want to replace dimension value labels with the values of the specified Info Field.
- Select Abbreviate to limit labels to the specified number of Characters.
Select Attach Additional Column Values (N-String) if you want to display the summary value for each element in the specified Data Column.
Select Show N-String Prefix if you want to include N= before the summary values.
When a graph is generated, ProDiver creates a scale based on the range of data values in the graph. Scales are typically included in the graph as x- or y-axis labels.
- Current Skin: Shows the skin that is currently assigned, if one is selected on the Appearance tab.
The scale type varies, depending on the graph type. Example. Scale types include: Horizontal (X-Axis), Vertical (Y-Axis), Left Scale (Numerical Scale). The following options are the same for all scale types.
Select Show Scale Title if you want the title to display.
Enter a title in the box if you want the title to display something other than the default.
Click Select to change the title font.
Select Minimum if you want to override the lowest value of the scale.
Enter the new Minimum value in the box.
NOTE: Applies to dates in Gantt charts.
Select Maximum if you want to override the highest value of the scale.
Enter the new Maximum value in the box.
NOTE: Applies to dates in Gantt charts.
Select Increment if you want to override the scale incremental value.
Enter the new incremental value in the box.
- Select Show Scale Lines if you want the gray incremental scale lines to display.
- Select Show Zero Line if you want a black line to display at the zero value. (Applies when the Minimum value is less than zero.)
Select Show Scale Text if you want to label the increment points.
Click Select if you want to change the font.
Enter a number of Decimal Places for the scale values. Default is 0.
Select Abbreviate Scale Text if you want to use an abbreviated version of scale increment numbers. For example, 100m instead of 100,000,000.
- Current Skin: Shows the skin that is currently assigned, if one is selected on the Appearance tab.
- Color Palette: Shows the 16 colors that are used for the legend. Click an individual color box to open the Color dialog box, which you can use to change the color.
Select Use Color Range to set the palette to a range where the first color matches the Starting Color box, and the subsequent colors gradually transform to the color in the End Color box. The default values are light blue and dark blue, but you can select any combination of colors.
When you use a color range, you can reduce the number of colors (range steps) from 16 to 8, 6, 4, or 3.
NOTE: The Use Color Range option is unavailable for Calendar View with Bar Plots graphs.
- Click Reset Colors to set the palette colors to the default values.
Select Show Legend if you want a legend to display in the graph.
- In the Placement box, select where you want the legend to appear on the graph.
- Click Select if you want to change the legend font from the default value.
- Enter a Number of Columns if you want the legend display to appear in a number of columns other that the default value. The default value varies, depending on the graph type.
- Select Show Legend Border if you want a border drawn around the legend.
Select Show Legend Row Details if you want the legend to include one of the following details: (Applies to Pie Plot graphs only.)
Select Show Percentages if you want the legend to display the percent of the total for each wedge.
Select Show Data Values if you want the legend to display the actual numeric data value for each wedge.
- Current Skin: Shows the skin that is currently assigned, if one is selected on the Appearance tab.
Under Basic Statistics:
Select Show Least-Square Fit if you want the graph to display a regression line that is calculated using the least square approach of regression analysis. (Applies to basic bar plot and scatter plot graphs.)
NOTE: The entire regression line must fit on the graph. If either end point of the line falls outside of the graph area, the line does not display.
Select a column for the calculation, and a color for the regression line.
NOTE: The graph also displays the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient value (R2). A value of 1 is a perfect fit.
- Select Show Linear Equation if you want the graph to display the equation used to determine the Least Square Fit.
Select Show Statistical Mean / Center Line (MEAN/CL) if you want to display the statistical mean on the graph. (Applies to basic bar plot and control chart graphs.)
Select a color for the MEAN/CL.
Under Caption Placement, select if and where you want the MEAN/CL caption to appear.
Select Show Median (MEDIAN) if you want to display the median value (mid-point) on the graph.
Select a color for the MEDIAN line.
Under Caption Placement, select if and where you want the median caption to appear.
Select Show Goal Line (GOAL) if you want a specified goal value to display. You can enter a value in the adjacent text box, or select the Use Total check box and select a summary column whose Total value is used as the goal.
Select a color for the GOAL line.
Under Caption Placement, select if and where you want the goal caption to appear.
- Select Abbreviate Caption Text if you want to use an abbreviated version of MEAN/CL, MEDIAN, GOAL, or Control Limit numbers in the caption. For example, 25m instead of 25,000,000.
- Under Control Limits:
Select Show Upper Control Limit (UCL) if you want the UCL to appear on the graph.
Select a color for the UCL line.
Select Use Standard Deviation Increments or Use Fixed Value, and enter an increment or fixed value in the text box.
Select Show Lower Control Limit (LCL) if you want the LCL to appear on the graph.
Select a color for the LCL line.
Select Use Standard Deviation Increments or Use Fixed Value, and enter an increment or fixed value in the text box.
Select Divide Control Limits into Observation Sets if you want the control limits to be divided into time-based subsets of data.
Select the number of Observations per Set.
NOTE: By default, the control limits for a control chart are calculated and displayed for a full set of data; that is, the whole data set is used to create one UCL and one LCL. However, control limits can incorporate a logical range of data around time data points.
For example, if you select Divide Control Limits into Observation Sets and 25 (days) as the Observations per Set, groups of 25 data points are used to create separate UCLs and LCLs. If there are 125 rows of data, 5 sets of limits display.
- The Map Layers section shows the available map layers:
- The layer of interest appears in bold text. This is the dimension of the current dive.
- The order of the list is important. A Visible layer with a Fill Color covers layers that are positioned lower in the list.
- Click a Fill Color box or Line Color line to open the Color dialog box, which you can use to change the color of the box or line.
- To change the order of the Map Layer list, select a layer from the list, and then click Layer Up or Layer Down.
- If you do not want the fill color or boundary line to appear on the map layer, select a Map Layer, and then click Clear Fill or Clear Line.
- Right-click Add Layer to select a layer to add to the map from the geographic type list.
- To delete a layer, select it from the list, and then click Delete Layer.
See also: