Creating Dimension QuickViews

There are multiple ways to create a QuickView. The following list describes them in order of preference from easiest to more difficult:

  • To create a dimension QuickView instantly, on the Console, right-click a dimension name, and select Create Model QuickView.

    The QuickView list appears above the dive window.

    NOTE: You can use this method to create QuickViews before beginning a dive.

  • To create QuickView lists for all parent dimensions, right-click the final dive window, and select Convert to QuickView > Convert Parents to QuickViews.
  • The QuickView lists appear on the dive window.
  • Right-click the final dive window, and select Convert to QuickView > Convert to QuickView.
  • The Edit Dimension QuickView Closeddialog box opens, populated with the child dimension name and data information. To accept the default values, click OK, or for more information about this dialog box, see Adding a Dimension QuickView.
  • Edit Dimension QuickView example.
  • On the menu bar, select Data > Add QuickView (Available only if there are no active QuickViews) or Data > Edit QuickView.
  • The Edit QuickView Closeddialog box opens. Depending on the type of QuickView that you want to create, proceed to Adding a Dimension QuickView, Adding a DiveBook QuickView, Adding a List QuickView, or Adding a Free Entry QuickView.
  • Edit QuickView dialog box.

QuickView lists appear above the dive Closedwindow, and in the case of Dimension QuickViews, the Console History is updated with the QuickView icon and name.

Page with QuickViews.


See the Video: Creating QuickViews.