Installing NetDiver

NetDiver is a web-based application that resides on a web application server, such as Apache Tomcat. NetDiver enables authorized users to access and analyze their data on the web.

NOTE: You need to be an administrative user to install the software.

To install NetDiver, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the DI\Solution\downloads directory.
  2. Double-click the NetDiver-Setup.exe file.

    The User Account Control dialog box opens, asking you to confirm making changes to your device.

    NOTE:: Depending on your Windows version and user account settings, you might see the Open File - Security Warning dialog box instead. Confirm that you want to open and run the executable.

  3. Click Yes.

    The ClosedNetDiver 7.1 Setup Wizard dialog box opens.

    The NetDiver Setup Wizard window.

  4. Click Next.

    The ClosedInstalling a New NetDiver page opens, with default names and locations for the following:

    • NetDiver portal name, as you want it to appear in the NetDiver URL. The default is netdiver. Change it to suit your needs. For example, netdiver-test.
    • DI Solution directory
    • Java Runtime Environment, version 10 or later, directory
    • Apache Tomcat Server, version 9 or later, directory

    Verify the default locations and make changes if necessary.

    The Installing a New NetDiver window, asking to verify system locations.

  5. Click Next.

    The ClosedInstalling a New NetDiver page displays. The name and port number defaults to the DiveLine server.

    The Installing a New NetDiver window, asking for the default DiveLine server string.

    CAUTION: Version 7.1 can only connect to a 7.0 or 7.1 DiveLine.

    If you want NetDiver to connect to different DiveLines, select Allow the user to change servers.

  6. Click Next.

    The ClosedReady to Install page displays, with a summary of the NetDiver installation information.

    The Ready to Install window, with a summary of information.

    NOTE: Take note of the NetDiver URL. This is used to access NetDiver from a web browser.

  7. Click Install.
  8. When you see the ClosedCompleting the NetDiver 7.1 Setup Wizard dialog box, click Finish.

    The Completing window, indicating the installation is completed.

NOTE: In the netdiver.html file (located in the C:\DI\Solution\webapps\<netdiver>\dlcgi directory), $DL_EXTRAS allows you pass URL parameters when using DLCGI authentication.

NetDiver Customizations

If NetDiver is launched from DivePort, DivePort sends a skin parameter to NetDiver, which NetDiver uses if it is valid. If a parameter is not sent, NetDiver uses the context file parameter if valid and present. If unavailable, NetDiver uses the skin called default.txt.

To change the NetDiver skin from the default:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Copy and rename an existing skin file (recommended).

      NetDiver skin files are located in the C:\DI\Solution\webapps\<netdiver>\customization-templates\skins directory.

    • Create a new txt file.

    NOTE: If launched from DivePort, use the same file name as the DivePort skin.

  2. Use a text editor to specify the values of the properties for the skin.
  3. Save your skin file to the C:\DI\Solution\webdata\<netdiver>\customizations\skins directory.

To change the NetDiver skin when not launching from DivePort:

  1. Position the desired skin txt file in the C:\DI\Solution\webdata\<netdiver>\customizations\skins directory.
  2. Navigate to C:\DI\Tomcat\Tomcat 9.0\conf\Catalina\localhost directory.
  3. Open the <netdiver>.xml file in a text editor.
  4. Add the new parameter:

    <Parameter name="" value="<netdiver skin>.txt" />

  5. Save the xml file.