Installing DivePort

DivePort is a web client that employs portlet web technology. A DivePort portal consists of pages that contain portlet instances. DivePort enables you to create and configure pages and their portlet instances. DivePort typically resides on Apache Tomcat, a web application server, which you can access by using a web browser.

Prerequisite: The successful installation of Apache Tomcat and DiveLine. The DivePort installation files are in the file which comes bundled with the Diver Platform Server package.

To extract and copy the DivePort installation files:

  1. If Tomcat is running, stop it.

  2. Navigate to the /di/platform directory .

    cd /di/platform

  3. Verify that the file is present.


  4. Unzip file.

    sudo unzip

  5. View the unpackaged file in the directory.


  6. Unzip

    sudo unzip

  7. Navigate to the diveport directory.

    cd diveport

  8. View the unpackaged file.


    The unzipped DivePort package creates the following directories and file in the diveport directory:

    • /appdir
    • /datadir
    • context-file-template.xml
  9. Copy the appdir directory to the /di/platform/webapps directory and rename it to assign a DivePort portal name (for example, mydiveport).

    sudo cp -r appdir /di/platform/webapps/mydiveport

  10. Copy the datadir directory to the /di/platform/webdata directory and rename it to the same DivePort portal name (for example, mydiveport).

    sudo cp -r datadir /di/platform/webdata/mydiveport

  11. Verify that the files were renamed and copied.

    • ls /di/platform/webapps
    • ls /di/platform/webdata
  12. Navigate to the /etc/init.d directory.

    cd /etc/init.d

  13. Determine the IP address of your Linux machine


  14. Note the IP address (inet addr) that displays.

    For example, is the IP address that displays in the figure.

  15. Specify whether you want the DivePort name to display in the URL to your portal (for example, https://www.<your server>.com/<DivePort name>).

    (Recommended) To display <DivePort name> in the URL:

    1. Navigate to the /di/platform/diveport directory.

      cd /di/platform/diveport

    2. Create a copy of the context-file-template.xml file and rename it to the name of your DivePort portal file (for example, mydiveport.xml).

      sudo cp -i context-file-template.xml mydiveport.xml

    3. Verifythe permissions of the <DivePort name>.xml file.

      ls -l mydiveport.xml

      The permissions display. If the permissions are -rwxrwxrwx, you can open and modify the directory and its contents. Proceed to step 15 d.

      If you do not have permission:

      1. Enable the execute permission.

        sudo chmod a+rwx mydiveport.xml

      2. Verify that the permissions have changed.

        ls -l mydiveport.xml

        The permissions display as -rwxrwxrwx.

    4. Open the <DivePort name>.xml file with a text editor, such as gedit.

      gedit mydiveport.xml

      The file opens in the text editor.

      <Context docBase="Enter DivePort War File Path Here" unpackWAR="false"
          <!-- uncomment this and set the following parameters:
          <Parameter name="dataroot" value="Enter DivePort WebData Directory Here" />
          <Parameter name="approot" value="Enter DivePort WebApp Directory Here" />
          <Parameter name="diveline.server" value="Enter DiveLine Server String Here" />
          <Parameter name="diveline.admin-username" value="Enter Admin Username Here" />
          <!-- for single-sign-on with a CGI-mode installation, uncomment and set these parameters:
          <Parameter name="diveline-web-auth-start-url" value="Enter DLCGI DivePort URL Here" />
          <Parameter name="diveline.web-auth-finish-url" value="Enter Logoff URL Here" />
          <!-- If you need to permit HTTP connections:
          <Parameter name="require-confidentiality" value="false" />
          <!-- For Tomcat 8.5.42+ or 9.0.12+, the following is recommended:
          <CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="lax" />
    5. Edit the <DivePort name>.xml file to include the following changes:

      • "Enter DivePort War File Path Here" – The path to the diveport.war file

        For example:


      • "Enter DivePort Webdata Directory Here" – The path to the webdata directory (dataroot)

        For example:


      • "Enter DivePort WebApp Directory Here" – The path to the webapps directory (approot)

        For example:


      • "Enter DiveLine Server String Here" – The DiveLine server name

        For example:


      • "Enter Admin Username Here" – The DiveLine administrator name, which is defined in Creating an Administrator and a Test User.

        For example:


    6. Remove uncomment this and set the following parameters: and the surrounding comment markers (<!-- and -->).

      For example:

      <Context docBase="/di/platform/webapps/mydiveport/diveport.war" unpackWAR="false" sessionCookiePathUsesTrailingSlash="false">
          <Parameter name="dataroot" value="/di/platform/webdata/mydiveport" />
          <Parameter name="approot" value="/di/platform/webapps/mydiveport" />
          <Parameter name="diveline.server" value="ubuntu:2131" />
          <Parameter name="diveline.admin-username" value="admin" />
          (Optional) for single-sign-on with a CGI-mode installation, set these parameters:
          <Parameter name="diveline.web-auth-start-url" value="Enter DLCGI DivePort URL Here"/>
          <Parameter name="diveline.web-auth-finish-url" value="Enter Logoff URL Here"/>
          (Optional) If you need to permit HTTP connections:
          <Parameter name="require-confidentiality" value="false" />
          <CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="lax" />


      IMPORTANT: If you do not require HTTP connections, comment out the require-confidentiality parameter. If you permit HTTP connections, you are allowing unsecured communications with DiveLine.

    7. Save your changes and close the file.
  16. Move the file that you just created (either mydiveport.xml or ROOT.xml) to the Tomcat localhost directory.

    sudo mv <file name>.xml /etc/tomcat<version-number>/Catalina/localhost

  17. Navigate to the /etc directory.

    cd /etc

  18. Change the ownership for the tomcat<version> directory to the Tomcat user, identified in Installing Apache Tomcat.

    sudo chown -R tomcat<version-number> ./tomcat<version-number>

  19. Change to the directory holding the atlcfg.cfg file.

    cd /di/platform/dl-dataroot/config

  20. Check the permissions of the atlcfg.cfg file.

    ls -l atlcfg.cfg

    The permissions display. If the permissions are -rwxrwxrwx, you can open and modify the directory and its contents. If you do not have permission:

    1. Enable the execute permission.

      sudo chmod a+rwx atlcfg.cfg

    2. Verify that the permissions have changed.

      ls -l atlcfg.cfg

      The permissions display as -rwxrwxrwx.

  21. Open the file with a text editor, such as gedit.

    gedit atlcfg.cfg

  22. Locate the ACFG object, and insert the gateway_ips attribute with IP address information.

    For example:


    Here is an example of the attribute in the atlcfg.cfg file:

  23. Optionally, if not already configured, add an administrative user to the atlcfg.cfg file.

    NOTE: Remember to enter a comma at the end of all lines within the ACFG object except the last one.

  24. Save and close the file.
  25. Start Tomcat.

NOTE: The server IP address can change when you restart the server. The server IP address shown in examples might change in different topics due to restarting the test server.