Modifying the Portal Info Attributes in the portaldb.json File

The portaldb.json file, stored in the DI\Solution\webdata\<diveport>\database folder, contains all portal configuration settings. You can edit attributes in this file to modify some DivePort functions.

NOTE: Make a backup copy of the portaldb.json file and stop Apache Tomcat before you edit the portaldb file.

The following portal-wide attributes can be added in the portal-infos section of the portaldb file. To find the portal-infos section in the portaldb.json file, search for "portal" (including quotation marks), and then search for "infos".

IMPORTANT: Be sure to add a comma at the end of each portal info attribute, except for the last line.

Sample portaldb.json file.

User Interface attributes

Access attributes

Measure Factory override attributes

Logs and reports

Export file attributes

