Default QuickView Values

In DivePort, the value that displays on a QuickView by default can vary, depending on:

  • The DivePort version

  • Portlet settings

  • Type of QuickView

  • QuickView settings

  • Measure Factory configuration file settings

Starting in DivePort 7.1(20), if you have a Measure Factory license, you can customize the default selection values for hidden or flex QuickViews on the Edit QuickView Portlet > Advanced settings page.

Otherwise, the following guidelines apply.

Dimension QuickViews with All Values enabled

If All Values is enabled as a QuickView option, the QuickView display typically shows All Values by default, as well as the number of values included. For example:

Facility QuickView showing All Values


  • In DivePort 7.1(17) and earlier, date-type dimension QuickViews show the last date value.

  • In DivePort 7.1(18) and later, an option to select Default to last value was introduced in the edit QuickView dialog for date-type dimensions. If selected, QuickViews showed the last date value. If this option is not selected, the date-type QuickView displays All Values.

Dimension QuickViews without All Values enabled

If All Values is not enabled as a QuickView option, the QuickView display shows the first value in the population by default. For example:

Sample QuickView


Date-type dimension QuickViews show the last date value.

Measure Factory Calendar Type QuickView

The calendar QuickView displays the default-calendar type (standard or fiscal) defined in the factory configuration file by default. If no default-calendar is defined, the QuickView displays the first calendar listed in the factory configuration file.

Time Range QuickView

The time range QuickView displays the time range with the attribute default=true defined in the factory configuration file by default. If no default time range is defined, the QuickView displays the first time range listed in the factory configuration file.

Current Date QuickView

The current date QuickView displays the default-current-date defined in the factory configuration file by default. If no default current date is defined, the QuickView displays the factory's build date.

Time Range Start QuickView and Time Range End QuickView

The time range start and end QuickViews display the last value in each list by default.

Detail QuickView

The detail QuickView displays Show by default.

See also QuickView Portlet Options.