About Time Range QuickViews
If you have a Measure Factory license you can add a time range named group to your factory configuration file.
When the configuration file includes a time range named group, DivePort automatically adds a Time Range option to the Add QuickView Portlet, Select QuickView page. Selecting this option adds a Time Range QuickView that is populated with the rolling time ranges specified in the configuration file.
For more information, see
User-Defined Time Range
The QuickViews are populated with year-month values based on the date range in the factory.
Current is the exact specified range
Previous is a range with the same number of months, ending on the month before the selected Time Range Start value
Previous Year is the same as the selected range, shifted back by one year (it might overlap Current if the specified range is longer than 12 months)
Only completed time periods are included in the QuickView list unless you can select Include the current period
The start/end time range QuickViews do not affect the Current Date or Time Range selections
When start/end time range QuickViews are in use, Current Date and Time Range selections are ignored by Time Range QuickView time ranges by default