About ProDiver Click Actions

The ProDiver click action opens the ProDiver client and populates it with the underlying marker or Spectre Dive file that was saved in DiveLine. Any modifications that were made to the marker or Dive file in DivePort are not applied to the ProDiver display. However, any QuickView values selected in DivePort are also passed along. If the marker file has QuickViews or parent windows on those selected dimensions, the ProDiver display sets those QuickView values to match the DivePort selections, but the parent windows remain unchanged.


  • ProDiver must be installed on the client system that is displaying DivePort in a browser.

  • ProDiver requires a separate license.

  • The current user must be allowed access to ProDiver. For more information, see Workbench Help, and search for Licensing Levels.

Triggering a ProDiver click action passes the marker or Spectre Dive file and DiveLine authentication information to the application, and ProDiver opens on your local computer. This allows you to continue your analysis without re-entering your user name and password.

 Measure Factory applications typically include ProDiver click actions on the Measure Dictionary page and Analysis pages.

TIP: With Measure Factory, if there is a way to reach the factory analysis markers via aliases from the Home project, a ProDiver click action on a Matrix or Analysis Portlet opens ProDiver using those aliases. If you continue to dive, you can save the marker to your home directory.

ProDiver click actions can be added to the following types of portlets when the data source is a marker or DiveBook file:

  • Chart
  • Custom Analysis
  • Indicator
  • Marker
  • Matrix
  • Measures

See also: