Adding a QuickView Portlet

  1. In DivePort, browse to the page where you want to add the portlet.
  2. On the DivePort toolbar, click Edit to unlock the page and enable edit mode.

    The Edit menu item is replaced with edit tools, including a page context menu chevron.

  3. On the toolbar, click the chevron.
  4. On the page context menu, click Add a Portlet.
  1. On the Add Portlet page, under Data, double-click QuickView.

    The Edit QuickView Portlet Closeddialog box opens.

    An example of an edit QuickView portlet dialog box showing the default settings.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to use QuickViews that are saved in markers in other portlets on the page, select Find QuickViews in other portlets.

    • If you want to use a Spectre QuickView set, select Use QuickView Set, select the project that holds the QuickView Set that you want to use, and then click OK.

      Spectre qvset files can be used with both Spectre Dive files and ProDiver markers that use cPlans. However, marker-based qvs files are not supported with cBase and cPlans.

  3. Click Add a QuickView.

    The Select QuickViews Closeddialog box opens, listing available options.

    An example of the select QuickViews page.

    NOTE: If you have a Measure Factory license:

    • And the factory configuration file includes a time range, you can select Time Range from the list to create a Time Range QuickView. This QuickView is populated with the rolling month ranges specified in the factory configuration file.

    • You can select Measure from the list to create a Measure QuickView. This QuickView is populated with measures that you specify.

  4. Select the QuickViews that you want to add to the portlet, and then click OK.

    • If you select a single QuickView, the individual QuickView settings page opens. You can set options that are specific to this QuickView only. Default values are shown in parentheses. Proceed to step 14.

      Edit QuickView settings dialog box.

    • If you select multiple QuickViews, the QuickView summary page opens, showing the selected QuickViews.

      TIP: If you want to use settings other than the default for an individual QuickView, select the QuickView and click the ClosedEdit this QuickView icon to set options which override the default value. These settings are described in steps 14–18.

  5. If you want selected QuickView values to apply to QuickView portlets on other DivePort pages, select Share Selection with QuickView Portlets on Other Pages.
  6. Under Layout settings, in the Columns box, specify the number of columns in the QuickView portlet display. QuickView lists are presented in a grid with this number of columns. The default is 4.

    NOTE: If used, one or both QuickView buttons (Reset and Go) take up a column space. For more information, see QuickView Portlet Options.

  7. In the Labels box, specify if and where you want the QuickView labels to appear with respect to the QuickView lists. Options are Above QuickViews, Left of QuickViews, or None.
  8. To set default settings that apply to all flex, button, and hidden QuickViews on the portlet, under More settings, click Flex Defaults.

    The Flex QuickView Default Settings page opens.

    Edit Flex QuickView default settings page.

    • If you want the flex QuickView list to collapse when its not being accessed, next to Collapsibilty, select Pulldown. Otherwise, select Picklist, which is not collapsible.
    • Next to Selection, grant users the ability to select only one or more than one flex QuickView value by selecting either Single or Multiple.
    • If you have a measure factory license, and want the QuickView list to include the option to select All Values, next to All Values, select Allow.
    • Under Sizing, you can specify the QuickView List Width, Collapsed Width, and the number of Rows and Columns in the QuickView lists.
    • Under Advanced, you can specify the availability of a search box and how the search string is applied.

    For details about these options, see QuickView Portlet Options.

  9. Proceed to step 19.
  10. If you want to customize the QuickView label, enter the new name in the Label box.

    NOTE: This is the only option that you can change on Label, Calendar, and Free Entry types of QuickViews or marker-based flex QuickViews that are defined as a pull-down type. If you are working with one of these types, proceed to step 16.

    TIP: The QuickView Type is determined by the data source.

  11. If you want the flex QuickView to be a closed pull-down list, next to Collapsibilty, select Pulldown. Otherwise, select Picklist, which is not collapsible.

  12. Next to Selection, grant users the ability to select only one, or more than one flex QuickView value by selecting either Single or Multiple.

  13. If you have a measure factory license, and want the QuickView list to include the option to select All Values, next to All Values, select Allow.
  14. If you want to customize the appearance of the QuickView portlet, under More settings, click ClosedSizing or ClosedAdvanced to access more options. Available options depends on the QuickView type and DivePort version. For details, see QuickView Portlet Options.

    Size settings for an individual QuickView.

    Advanced settings for individual QuickViews.

  15. Click OK to save the QuickView settings.
  16. Add and edit other QuickViews as you like.

    TIP: You can use a drag-and-drop operation on the QuickView list to change the display order of the QuickViews.

  17. Click OK to save the QuickView portlet options and close the dialog box.

    The QuickView portlet is added to the page.

    QuickView portlet on a DivePort page.

  18. On the toolbar, click Save to save the changes and exit edit mode.

About the option to Find QuickViews in other pages

When you create a QuickView portlet using the option to Find QuickViews in other portlets on the page, the QuickViews that you select become part of the QuickView portlet, and no longer appear as part of the originating portlet. If you select a subset of QuickViews to add to the QuickView portlet, the remaining QuickViews (as well as unspecified Go and Reset buttons) stay in the original portlet.

Watch the Video: Adding a QuickView Portlet.

NOTE: The size of the QuickView portlet is determined by the QuickViews within. It cannot be resized manually.

See also: