Matrix Portlet Options

Option Description
Factory project Specifies the Measure Factory project that provides the data for the portlet.

Select measures

Specifies the measures that display in the left-most portlet column. You can use the Search box to locate specific measures and press and hold Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) while clicking to select multiple measures.

The menu icon looks like three vertical dots.

Opens a Closedcontext menu that you can use to sort the list of measures.

Edit Matrix portlet dialog box showing the location of the menu icon.


Specifies the measure factory measures that appear on the left-most Closedcolumn of the portlet. This option accepts macros. Each line is a row on the tabular portlet.

Lines on a matrix portlet.

Line group

Specifies the category Closedlabel for a group of lines.

Matrix portlet line group labels.

Add a line /measure

Opens the Select Line Type Closeddialog box, which you can use to specify the type of line that you want to add. Options are Detail Line, Line, Label, and Page Break.

NOTE: Labels and page breaks affect the format of the page only. They do not contain data.

An example of an edit matrix portlet select a line type dialog box.


After you select a line type, the wizard advances to the Select measures page.

Add a line /measure group

Opens the Line group settings Closedpage, which you can use to specify a label for the line group.

Edit matrix portlet, line group settings dialog box.

NOTE: After you add a line group, use a drag-and-drop operation to reorder the Lines Closedlist. Place the line labels under the line group label, inside the dotted line.

An example of an edit matrix portlet dialog box  line list.


Defines measure data.

The leftmost Measures column is added automatically, and contains the measures that you selected on the Select measures page.

Measures column in the Edit Matrix Portlet dialog box.

Double-click Measures to open the Measure column settings dialog box, which you can use to customize the following:

Title Specifies the column heading. If left blank, the heading is Measures.
Width Specifies the column width, in pixels.
Overflow Available when the column Width is set to something other than Automatic. Specifies the appearance of the display when the column value is wider than the specified column width. The default Ellipses, displays the data in a single row and adds an ellipsis (...) to each cell that overflows the column width. Other options are Wrap text and Wrap text with hanging indent.

Add a column

Opens the Column settings Closeddialog box, which you can use to set options that define the appearance of a new column.

Edit Matrix portlet, column settings dialog box showing default values.


Add a column group

Opens the Column group settings Closedpage, which you can use to specify a label for the column group that you want to add.

Edit matrix portlet, column group settings dialog box.

Threshold Settings

Click Add a Threshold to open the Threshold settings dialog box, which you can use to set a static threshold value or select a Measure Threshold value, Time Range and period, and indicator Color.

Click the gear icon to right of the Time Range to access the ClosedAdvanced time series option.

Gear icon.

Opens the time series mode settings box. Options are Basic and Advanced. Advanced features allow further customization of the time period.

To Date

Available in advanced mode. Uses the specified time range and offset values to define the time series. The default is the current Year to complete Day. Other options are Year to complete Month, Year to complete Quarter, Week to complete Day, Month to complete Day, and Quarter to complete Day.

The offset value can adjust the time series by the specified time period. For example, setting the Time Range to Year to complete Day, with an offset of -1 Year, is the equivalent of last year to complete day. Available options for the offset time period are those time periods that are larger than or equal to the first time range.


Available in advanced mode. Uses the specified complete time range and offset values to define the time series. The default is 1 Year, which is the current complete year. Other time period options are Day, Week, Month, and Quarter.

The offset value can adjust the time series by the specified time period. For example, setting the Time Range to 1 Year, with an offset of -1 Year, is the equivalent of the year before the current complete year. Available options for the offset time period are those time periods that are larger than or equal to the specified time range.


Available in advanced mode. Uses the specified time range and offset values to define the time series. The default is Month 1 of the current year. The other time period option is Quarter. This option supports custom calendars.

The offset value can adjust the time series by the specified number of years.

More settings


Opens the Display Settings Closedpage, which you can use to specify sort settings.


Matrix portlet display settings


Opens the Print Settings Closedpage, which you can use to set preferences for printed headers and footers.

Matrix portlet print settings dialog box.

Column Defaults

Opens the Column default settings Closedpage, which you can use to set default values for column size (width), overflow, font, and justification.

Column default settings dialog box

Click Actions Opens the Click Actions dialog box, which you can use to Add a click action to the portlet, or Edit or Remove an existing click action.