Adding a Stamp Portlet

DivePort administrators with a Measure Factory license can add standard stamps delivered with the software, as well as customized stamps defined in Workbench.

TIP: Available options depend on the configuration of the chosen stamp type.


  1. In DivePort, browse to the page where you want to add the portlet.
  2. On the DivePort toolbar, click Edit to unlock the page and enable edit mode.

    The Edit menu item is replaced with edit tools, including a page context menu chevron.

  3. On the toolbar, click the chevron.
  4. On the page context menu, click Add a Portlet.
  1. On the Add Portlet page, under Measure Factory, double-click Stamp.

    The Edit Stamp Portlet wizard opens.

  2. If necessary, double-click a Measure Factory project.

    The wizard advances to the Select a stamp type page, which lists the available stamps for your project.

    Edit stamp portlet page showing the standard set of stamps.

  3. Double-click the stamp that you want to use.

    The Select a value page opens.

  4. If prompted, select one or more dimensions to apply to the stamp, and then click Next.
  5. If prompted, select one or more measure values to apply to the stamp, and then click Next.

    A summary page displays.

  6. Verify the settings, and then click OK.

    The stamp portlet is added to the page.

  7. On the menu bar, click Save to save the portlet and exit edit mode.


  • The size and layout of the stamp portlet are defined in the stamp template file.

  • Each stamp is assigned a unique action group by default. If you want stamps to interact via click actions such as crosslinks, edit or remove the Closedaction group setting.

For more information, see What Is an Action Group? and Portlet Instance Settings.

Watch the Video: Adding a Stamp Portlet.