Adding an HTML Portlet

  1. In DivePort, browse to the page where you want to add the portlet.
  2. On the DivePort toolbar, click Edit to unlock the page and enable edit mode.

    The Edit menu item is replaced with edit tools, including a page context menu chevron.

  3. On the toolbar, click the chevron.
  4. On the page context menu, click Add a Portlet.
  1. On the Add Portlet page, under Dashboard Design, double-click HTML.

    The Edit HTML Portlet Closeddialog box opens.

    Example of the edit HTML portlet dialog box.

  2. Enter HTML code in the text box.

    TIP: When developing HTML content, consider using a text editor or a web design tool to write the code, and then use a copy and paste operation to insert the text into the Edit HTML Portlet dialog box.

  3. Click OK to close the Edit HTML Portlet dialog box.
  4. If necessary, move or resize the portlet.
  5. On the tool bar, click Save to exit edit mode and lock the page.