About Form Portlets

You can use form portlets to collect information from users and simultaneously validate column values. This information is used with the table editor portlet, and is associated with a document library or input table. The form portlet contains blank spaces for insertion of requested information. ClosedExample.

Form portlet.

When you create a form portlet, you identify a repository that contains an input table or document library. Information that is entered on a form portlet can automatically update the input table or document library.

TIP: You can use list-type input tables or document libraries to specify options in the form of a pull-down list or include radio buttons.

Sample form portlet

  • If the list uses Radio buttons, and no default value is specified, the first value in the list is selected by default in DivePort 7.1(6) and earlier. Later versions of DivePort do not select a default value unless one is specified in the input table or document library.

  • NOTE: If a form contains a date field, and a user enters a date in a format that differs from the one specified, the date picker attempts to transform the date entry to the expected format. Otherwise, the date picker returns a validation error.

  • The Reset option at the bottom of the form portlet activates a Closedconfirmation message. Click Yes, discard changes to revert the form to its prior state.

    Reset confirmation box.

  • If the administrator has defined constraints or parameters in the form, such as numeric format, those parameters are applied automatically in DivePort 7.1(27) and later.

The form portlet requires a special license to use.