About Conditionalized Click Actions
Some row-scoped click actions can be conditionalized to be activated based on the contents of a tabular column.
When you create the click action, if you specify that it is conditional, you also specify a column that defines the required condition.
If the value in the specified column is a non-zero number, a Boolean TRUE value, or a non-empty string, the condition is TRUE and the click action is active.
If the value is a zero, blank, a Boolean FALSE value, or an empty string, the condition is FALSE and the click action is inactive.
For example, if a Portal Page click action specifies the Current vs Last +/- column as conditional in a time series, and the value of whatever is being tracked has changed, the column displays the difference, either positive or negative. Therefore, the condition is TRUE and the click action is active for that row.
However, if the value has not changed, the column is blank or 0, the condition is FALSE and the click action is inactive and does not appear as an option for that row.
NOTE: The column that you specify does not need to display on the portlet with the click action, but it must be included in the underlying marker.
The matrix portlet does not support conditionalized click actions.
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