Creating Internal Macros

Create internal macros to specify values that are not expected to change, and are used repeatedly in your DivePort portal. To create an internal macro:

  1. On the DivePort title bar, click ADMIN.

    The ADMIN Closedcontext menu opens.

  2. Click Macros.

    The Macros Closeddialog box opens, listing existing macros.

    An example of the Macros dialog box, showing the location of the add option.

  3. Click Add.

    The Edit Macro Closeddialog box opens.

  4. In the Name box, enter a name for the new macro.

    Use a name that is intuitive. For example, Portlet_Background_Color.

    IMPORTANT: Do not use commas, parentheses, or quotation marks in the macro name.

  5. In the Value box, enter a value for the macro. Use the syntax required for the macro properties. For example, Portlet_Background_Color requires a color value, and the syntax is r, g, b.

  6. Click OK.

The newly defined macro appears in the Macros Closeddialog box, and can be used throughout the portal. The External column value (No) indicates that it is an internal macro.

Internal macros are stored in the portaldb.json file.

See also: