Adding a DiveTab Click Action

You can add a DiveTab click action to an image portlet. However, DiveTab must be installed on the client system that is displaying DivePort in a browser.

NOTE: The DiveTab URL must be defined on the Portal Settings page.

  1. Open the Edit Image Portlet Closeddialog box.

    Example of the Edit image portlet dialog box, showing the location of the click actions option.

  2. Click Click Actions.

    The Click ActionsClosed dialog box opens.

    Click Actions dialog box showing the Add option.

  3. Click Add.

    The Edit Click ActionClosed dialog box opens.

    Edit click action dialog box showing default settings.

  4. From the Type list, select DiveTab.

  5. In the Scope box, enter a scope for the click action.

  6. If you want something other than DiveTab to display in the click action context menu, enter a name in the Label box.

  7. Click OK to close the Edit Click Action dialog box.

    The new DiveTab click action is added to in the Click Actions Closed list.

    Click actions dialog box showing a DiveTab click action.

  8. If this is the only click action on the list, and you want DiveTab to launch immediately when the click action is triggered, select Skip the menu when there is only one action.

  9. Click OK to close the Click Actions dialog box.

  10. Click OK to close the Edit Portlet dialog box.

  11. On the toolbar, click Save to exit edit mode and lock the page.