Web Page Click Action Options

An Edit Click Action dialog box with a Type of Web Page.

Property Description
Type Specifies the click action type.
Scope Specifies the click action scope .Options include Portlet, Row, Portlet and Row, and Link. Available options depend on the type of portlet.
Label Defines the label that displays in the click action context menu and the link-scoped click action trigger button. The default is Web Page.

Specifies the URL of the linked page, which can be within the portal or any external site, or JavaScript can be entered in place of a URL, in which case the click action executes the script.

For portlets that support use of the ROW_DATA variable, you can include data values from the portal as part of the URL. For example: http://www.google.com/search?q=$(ROW_DATA “Customer”)


Specifies that the click action is available only if the value in the column specified in the adjoining box is a non-zero number or non-empty string. For example, if the option is set as follows: Setting the conditional option

  • On rows where the Current vs Last +/- column is not 0 or blank, the click action appears as a row-scoped click action.

  • On rows where the Current vs Last +/- column value is 0, blank, or an empty string; the click action does not appear as a row-scoped click action.

This option is cleared by default. For more information, see About Conditionalized Click Actions.


See also: