About Portal Page Click Actions

The Portal Page click action opens another page in the portal, either by going to the page or displaying it in a pop-up window. The target page opens with the current QuickView values, parent windows, and row dimensions. Therefore, the target page displays data specific to the originating portlet instance. If the target page has printing enabled, printer icon printer appears on the header. Click the icon to open a context menu with available print options.

You can use this click action to display a hidden page.

NOTE: If you make changes to the target page and then close it, the originating portlet instance does not reflect the change until you manually refresh the browser. Consider letting your users know this.

Portal page click actions can be added to the following types of portlets:

  • Background
  • Chart
  • Diver
  • Image
  • Indicator
  • Map
  • Marker
  • Measures
  • Table of Contents

See also: